Impact100 Louisville
Welcome to Impact100 Louisville's Letter of Intent Application. Impact100 Louisville is a collective giving organization that funds $100,000 grants. Please review the following guidelines to make sure your organization and proposal meets our criteria. 

An organization is eligible to apply for the Impact100 Louisville grant if it:

-Is defined as a tax-exempt public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.
-Serves the residents of Jefferson County, Kentucky, or is a recognized local chapter of a state or national organization serving this region. 
-Is registered with the Kentucky Secretary of State.
-Does not discriminate based on religion, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or gender. 
-Has not received an Impact100 Louisville grant in the past FIVE (5)  years.
-Has operated under its own 501(c)(3) status for at least 24 months from the letter of intent application date.

Grant proposals eligible for the Impact100 Louisville grant must:

-Serve residents of, and expend at least 75% of funds in Jefferson County, Kentucky.
-Be for the full grant amount of $100,000. The project‘s total budget may exceed the grant; but if so, the grant application must indicate how the remaining funds will be secured. 
-Expend funds within 36 months of the award date.
-The project must have a positive IMPACT on our community and be sustainable.

Impact100 Louisville will NOT provide funding for the following:

-Grants to individuals.
-Endowment funding.
-Partisan, legislative, or political activity.
-Projects of individual churches, synagogues or other religious institutions unless a separate tax-exempt entity that is not under the umbrella of the church, synagogue or other religious institution exists for receiving IMPACT 100 Louisville funds.
-Faith-based projects or programs which require participation in activities of a particular faith, denomination or religion in order to benefit from the project or program.
-Benefits of the project or program must be available to any person, regardless of religious beliefs or practices.
-Benefits of the project or program must not be dependent on any person being required to participate in any religious activity, ceremony or service.
-Capital improvements or renovations to property for the grant project if the organization does not own or have a lease of at least five years.

More information can be found on our website.

Please make sure you meet this criteria before you submit a Letter of Intent.